Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hail to Pitt!

No.  Not for their victory in last week’s rematch of the rivalry with Penn State.  [Full disclosure: I am a proud Pitt alum.]

Kudos to Pitt and Penn State for bringing back the game that put Pittsburgh back on the college football map AND brought in revenue to everything from the RAD to the businesses and workers in the city’s hospitality industry.  With the largest sports crowd in Pittsburgh history, about a dozen people shy of 70,000, this event certainly is a milestone for Pittsburgh’s sports reputation.  I’ll be the first to admit, these attendance numbers are small potatoes compared to most every Fall Saturday in college towns from Tempe to Westwood, Athens to Oxford, and Columbus to Austin – and if you don’t recognize those towns and what schools play there well, better stick to pro sports.

But this is a great reappearance of a tradition that will pay benefits to both Pitt and Penn State in terms of alumni involvement [and contributions], an economic boost for the City, and an added entertainment feather in Pittsburgh’s leisure industry cap.  Big events are “things to do” that excite residents and visitors.  As I’ve so often said, Pittsburgh needs more party.  Kudos to these universities’ athletic departments for having the vision to resurrect a fun tradition.

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