Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Sad Day, for Nice People

OK allow me to say it: it’s a very sad day with the announcement of Arnold Palmer’s death.  The last few times he was seen on TV he was clearly showing his age which made this blogger think “Whoa, we will all pass away but this is gonna be a “big one” for western Pennsylvanians when Arnold goes”.  And so it’s happened.  Always a bad morning jolt to hear that 6AM National Public Radio report with news like this.

Later, on that same “Morning Edition” broadcast, an ESPN golf analyst heaped praise on Mr Palmer for what he did to raise the status and awareness of golf in America.  What caught my ear was the report’s focus on what a “nice guy” Palmer was, in all aspects of his life including his businesses and his sport.  A couple of Palmer’s contemporaries provided short excerpts giving testimony to how Palmer would engage with people – his Army or those that became his Army as a result – many of whom were dismissed by other golfing professionals.  Of course he did.  He was from western Pennsylvania.

Recall that Mr Rogers, Fred Rogers, was from Latrobe also.  I was really sad when I awoke to news of Mr Rogers death as well.  And I cried the morning I awoke to the news of John Heinz’s death.  Heinz was one of the nicest guys in politics and in my mind, destined to be President.  In light of this 2016 campaign, heck, the last four Presidential campaigns, I don’t think nice will ever again make a national political comeback.

Nice is Pittsburgh, western PA and the Tri State region.  Growing up our family would regularly car trip to the beaches and historic sites along the East Coast and people would say “Oh of course you’re from Pittsburgh; you’re so nice.”  It’s been a bit of an economic handicap for years when the region’s leaders could never be seen to brag about all the advantages for living and working here.  But it also has made the area a desirable place for many who seek the authentic in their lives and community relationships.  It should always remain so.

And so sad to know Mr Palmer is no longer among us.  We all need a hug.

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