Thursday, April 21, 2016

Something Good and Something Getting Better

Something good – really good - is that the August Wilson house in the Hill District is finally getting the long term funding it deserves as the home of what many believe [this blogger for one] is Pittsburgh’s greatest 20th century playwright.  This is an example of the vision of many individuals being translated, transformed really, into concrete action.  Bravo. More of this please.  The Hill District has been the too-often unacknowledged cauldron of so much creativity vis a vis its music [primarily jazz] scene, journalism [The “Pittsburgh Courier”], arts [photographer Charles ”Teenie” Harris] and theatre [Mr. Wilson’s work as well as other theatre and cabaret ventures].  Let us celebrate that history to build a new one for what some of us believe can become the living room atop downtown’s front door entrance.

Getting better is the region’s air quality.  In the latest American Lung Association “State of the Air” report on the air quality in the nation’s metro areas, Pittsburgh is still at an unacceptably low level – 14th worst in the nation.  BUT that is better than just a few, like five, years ago when we were the second worst metro area, only outranked by either Los Angeles or Bakersfield.  More importantly, there has been steady improvement in all measurement categories year over year.  Let’s keep it going.  It’s amazing that a very small number of industrial emitters, and a couple as far away as Weirton, WV, have such a detrimental effect on Pittsburgh’s air.  Still, progress is progress.  Pittsburgh got complacent for a bit when the skies brightened after decades of grey.  Let’s continue to support those who work to get our air quality into the TOP 10.

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