Friday, May 9, 2014

Finally, some sprouts from local seeds!

This week it was announced that HP Vertica, a software engineering division of Hewlett Packard, was opening a full fledged office in downtown Pittsburgh.  Previously the organization was working out of offices at Pitt.  Cited in the announcement as a reason for the standalone office by Colin Mahony, VP and general manager for HP Vertica, he notes: “We’ve found that you have to go where the talent is and we’ve had great, great partnerships with CMU and Pitt.”

That’s exactly the kind of talk we want to hear for organically growing Pittsburgh’s job market and overall future.  Enough of what I’ve heard from a couple local economists that Pittsburgh’s slowdown is related to the general slowdown in US economic growth.  Huh?  Be a leader, not a laggard.  Incite your own job growth.  It’s about time we hear of more organizations that credit Pittsburgh’s higher ed talent pool as a reason to locate here.  It’s nice when eds and meds create jobs within their enterprises.  But it’s better when jobs and wealth are created by the ecosystems eds and meds help spawn.  Good on this one!

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