Thursday, December 14, 2017

Pittsburgh Makes Me Want to Live

There’s simply too much – well, there’s never TOO much – good news in Pittsburgh’s economic and community scene these days.  There’s always much more to accomplish but the recent news of growing companies and big money funded start-ups and a healthy real estate sector and the seemingly endless creativity in the restaurant and bar scene that changes almost daily, it seems Pittsburgh has hit its stride on a path to sustainable growth.  And it seems to be a growth that will benefit all residents in the metro and Tri-State area.  After all, even though it’s a platitude it’s still true: a rising tide floats all ships.

I’ve been around through a lot of the bad economic times for western Pennsylvania – and the northern Appalachian region in general – and I always knew what a wonderful place it was and is.  This new energy and optimism and excitement makes me, well, want to live forever [or at least a very, very, very long time] simply to see how much greater a city and region greater Pittsburgh will become.  I trust many others feel the same.

Happy holidays to all.

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