Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Good Development in the Start-Up Scene

This week a piece in the Pittsburgh “Business Times” announced that Jason Yablinsky, VP of Finance for local jobs recruitment platform company Jazz [formerly named The Resumator] is leaving that firm to become CEO of a brand new startup,  Good for Mr. Yablinsky but more importantly this speaks to the growing strength of Pittsburgh’s startup scene. has received an initial investment of half a million already and already has five employees.  Jazz itself is well on its way to greater success by all accounts and is thus spinning off talent to other ventures.  Most importantly, the fact that staff feels comfortable enough to jump from one startup to another newer [re: riskier] one means that Pittsburgh is building an ecosystem of companies that rely on similar skill sets.  When people make decisions about job locations, one consideration is always “If I have to leave a position, will there be other job opportunities for me within the same area?”  Regions around Seattle , Boston and the Silicon Valley all provide a large enough pool of jobs that people looking to build their careers are confident in accepting jobs in those areas.  Pittsburgh needs more of that and seems well on its way.

A small story with big, positive implications.  Congrats to all.

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