Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It Pays to Advertise, even a little

No, this is not a discussion about Pittsburgh’s seemingly genetic inability to promote itself.  I’ll make that topic a rant for the future.  As Steve Case, the founder of AOL said at a recent economic development conference in Pittsburgh, the city “has a humility, a reluctance to beat its chest and talk about all the great things” happening here.  But these are times when such an approach is more vice than virtue.

What I’d like to see is Pittsburgh advertise itself as a destination for the job seekers from across the globe, but specifically today, those that will be coming from Greece.

Look, the economic mess in Greece is not going to be resolved with a quick solution.  Already there are reports of a “brain drain” as Greeks with the education, skills and financial wherewithal migrate to countries from northern Europe to Canada to Australia.  I have to believe because of history and family connections, a certain number will come to the States.

The “Washington Post” recently reported that Greece’s population has a higher percentage of college graduates than the US.  Those degree holders would find Pittsburgh a natural landing spot.  With a historically large Greek community already in place and with jobs available in the fields of medicine and engineering, Pittsburgh is attractive to degreed immigrants from any country on earth looking for a better life.  Isn’t that obvious?

So let’s advertise it.

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