Friday, August 22, 2014

A Delicious Coincidence

The Bookmark bookstore in downtown Oakland, CA is a great little indie with new and used books that supports their public library.  A few months back I picked up a copy of “Cheesemonger – A Life on the Wedge” by Gordon Edgar.  It finally made it into my summer reading rotation this past week.  Edgar is a punker turned cheesemonger-of-the-highest-degree.  He notes that it was thought provoking how he went from someone who simply needed a job, and found one at San Francisco’s famed Rainbow Grocery Cooperative, to a speaker at the American Cheese Society’s annual conference.  Who knew there was a cheese conference?  Who knew there was a cheese society!

And then the next day, by coincidence [though metaphysics teaches us there are no coincidences; only synchronicities] the Pittsburgh “Post Gazette” featured a story on two Pittsburgh cheesemongers attending this year’s ACA Conference.  And interestingly, their description of their first conference echoes stories Edgar relayed about his early attendance: awe over the cheese knowledge gathered and being star struck by the culinary firepower.  Here’s the link to the P-G story.

What’s great about the P-G piece is that it was 20 years ago that San Franciscan Edgar attended his first cheese conference, returned to his grocery cooperative and raised the bar on the City’s food culture.  That’s now happening in Pittsburgh.  All things happen in their own time so Pittsburgh might be 20 years behind the City by the Bay when it comes to food appreciation, but by my observation, it’s catching up fast.  From what I see, read and eat in Pittsburgh, the food culture has practically exploded.  What took other more recognized foodie towns decades to develop, Pittsburgh has taken on in the space of about 5 years.  Goodie foodie for us.  The momentum is unstoppable and it all goes to making Pittsburgh, like any city, a more livable and enjoyable place.

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