Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Under Utilized Resources

New Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto recently noted that the Hill District was a prime focus for development under his administration.  Excellent!  The Hill District and north Oakland as well as Homewood are very large neighborhoods that are more than under-utilized resources, they are diamonds in the rough.

The Hill especially has broad tracts of developable land and sits right in the center of the higher education centers of Oakland [Pitt, CMU, Carlow], The Bluff [Duquesne], and downtown [Point Park].  The spinoff opportunities from these schools alone are limitless and could provide meaningful, achievable jobs for neighborhood residents.  Combine that with the historical sense of community at the heart of the Hill District and there exists a real “place” in the metaphysical sense, all of which defines a true community.

Homewood is similarly well situated geographically if also with a few more issues to overcome than the Hill.  Crime seems notably more present in Homewood than the Hill of late.  But that could be a factor of a larger population density or a younger demographic.  Whatever the causes, the solution must come from a focus on the neighborhood and a committed determination to change that situation for the better.  Homewood backs up against the economically resurgent East Liberty and some of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the City.  There is real potential for development to occur that is inclusive of Homewood’s current residents.  Economic prosperity percolates up.  I hope Mayor Peduto’s team turns on the stove for this brew in both neighborhoods.

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