Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Access to Talent

Progress is often made at the margins and in small ways.  Today’s “Pittsburgh Business Times” reports that a New Jersey company, Ness Technologies, is opening a development center in Southpointe, Washington County.  I believe the key phrase in their announcement is the following:

”In a news release, Ness said it was drawn to the Pittsburgh region by its proximity to the region's colleges and associated talent pool.”

This is what we want to hear: a talent pool associated with local universities.  It’s the phrase you read over and over in places like Denver, Boston, Seattle and Austin.  Those of us working in high tech know that the San Francisco Bay Area has an overabundance of both talent and higher educational institutions pumping out that talent; that’s uncontested.

But the wagon Pittsburgh should hitch to is the one where operations from higher cost locales look to lower cost areas where the quality of life and the brainpower provides a natural place to co-locate and grow.  Obviously I believe Pittsburgh has offered that for a long time.  There’s always need for more efforts to get the word out because there are unlimited opportunities to tap into that need.

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