Monday, August 15, 2016

A Wake-Up Call for Downtown

Recently it was widely reported that groups of young people gathering downtown at night went on a “rampage” that involved a subsequent police chase on foot.  There were bystanders injured during this disturbance, including an elderly woman who was sadly at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Simply enjoying what has become an increasingly vibrant downtown area should not be cause for even the threat of harm, much less physical abuse.  Immediate action by City government, and I am not referring to only the police, is needed.

Back in June I was downtown for Stanley Cup viewing in a Market Square restaurant.  Prior to the match I decided to wander a bit to see what new businesses were in old familiar places.  Walking along Wood Street I noted to myself, and did so later to friends, that there was a particularly rowdy group of young men in front of the McDonald’s outlet.  Being older, and less cocksure of my abilities these days. the scene made me very uncomfortable as I squeezed by.  I can understand how any number of visitors or residents, seeing that type of behavior at the relatively early pre-8PM time, would think twice about strolling downtown again.

The bottom line here is that Pittsburgh’s downtown “ecosystem” is physically compact and metaphysically still in a rebirth phase.  Everything is scrutinized under a media reported magnifying glass.  It cannot sustain incidents that result in physical harm as well as negative reports of such and still expect to develop day-and-night vibrancy.  City officials must work with law enforcement but also with the appropriate social service agencies to address the causes as well as the very presence of this behavior.  Crime is a complicated issue that results from a complex sets of circumstances.  However, that can never excuse inaction on the part of those responsible for the public welfare.