Friday, June 17, 2016

In Case You Haven’t Seen This One

In the May issue of “Conde Nast Traveler” magazine that featured their Hot List of the 60 “hottest” hotels in the world, Pittsburgh’s Ace Hotel was listed among that group, chosen by their editors.  It’s a nice piece of city publicity to have one of the “dots” on their “hot list” map be Pittsburgh.

But for those who appreciate a good written review, it was the June/July Summer issue of the same magazine that had more words on Pittsburgh as a “cool” travel destination this summer.   Some quoted excerpts, with attribution to “Conde Nast Traveler” include:

“Cool means a food scene that’s both current and cozily retro, globally informed yet grounded in place.  Where thirty and seventy somethings drink at the same perfectly aged bars.”  [Blogger’s note: If that social interaction DOESN’T happen in other places then as a society we’re in deeper trouble than many believe this election season.]

“Cool means a fanatical sports town that’s also defined by high culture …where Roberto Clemente and Andy Warhol are held in equal esteem.”

And the money shot here:

“If Pittsburgh isn’t a contender for the coolest city in America right now, someone’s got “cool” all wrong.”

Oh ya.  Just don’t get all ahead of yourself Pittsburgh.  Note that “cool”, like its cousin “hip”, can never be self-declared.  It can only be bestowed and must never be referred to by the cool one; to do so takes it all away and is the antithesis of the term.  Once you declare yourself cool or hip, you are no longer.  Walk the walk and never, ever talk the talk.  I have confidence Pittsburgh understands that.