Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Where's the Commitment?

Today brought news that Cohera Medical, a growing medical device company headquartered on Pittsburgh’s North Side, is leaving town for Raleigh, North Carolina. Raleigh is the biggest city in the Research Triangle Park area which has an established base of medical and biology centered companies.  It’s where a lot of Philadelphia based pharmaceutical firms established offices when looking for a sunnier clime and friendlier tax environment.  So while this makes sense on a number of business levels, I have to say that this sort of outmigration happening once a local company is nurtured to a sustainable phase has got to stop if Pittsburgh is to economically progress in any meaningful way.

The galling element of this story is that Cohera Medical is a spin out of the University of Pittsburgh.  The company had just received a $50 million investment by New York investors KKR and I have no doubt is under much pressure to now produce on a scale proportionate to that investment.  But I must point a finger at Pitt and ask how much of a role they could have played in helping this bio-med company maintain its Pittsburgh base?  Did Pitt even try?  What of Pitt’s vaunted efforts to build enterprises in the region as an outgrowth of their medical research?

Where’s the commitment Pitt?